Once Upon a Time…

There was a little girl, a daughter of the King, that was created to love creation as much as her Creator. And though, she could not find herself creating things as beautiful nor functional as He did, she did adore His handiwork. One of her favorite things to do was to receive disposable film cameras from her loved ones, promptly filling it with the things she found most precious in Creation: her favorite  people, animals, and nature scenes…

In her latter years, that little girl has grown up but has never grown old and she has only fallen in love with fairytales more. In fact, she realized how much greater her realm was than the world of storybook creatures when it came to things such as fantasy, magic, and romance, or rather, true love… and it all lies in the hands of her Creator & King.

It was only recently, however, that she received  her heroine call to action…

…that, through art, she is to remind the lost world of it’s beauty, and more importantly, where that beauty emanates from: that humanity is made in the image of the Lord and that it was found so precious that Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, was crucified for it… for you.

But I’m getting ahead of myself, we have missed quite a lot of the little girl’s story. Perhaps you would like to learn about who she grew up to be…

Her name is

Paige~Alexis Woelfle Bossé

Salutations friend! I am jovial to know that you want to learn a little more about the artist behind the artwork of Paige~Turner Portraiture. Please continue below to read about my testimony, the loves of my life, and the latest pages in my own story.

My Testimony

It was the summer before I began secondary schooling. I realized I was in need of something greater than myself while we sang hymns during the Sunday service. And it was under a doorway that I indeed believed in Jesus Christ, repented, and was born again. Later that summer, I was baptized, making a public profession of my faith.

This was the beginning although it was not until I began attending a Christian academy that my relationship personally deepened with Christ as I saw the fruit of the Holy Spirit and God’s providential miracles & revelations.

And of course, another great awakening came when I reveled in my two God given ministries:

first, fulfilling the role of the Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31) and second, my “Call to Action” written above.


Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

Believest thou this?

John 11:25-26


The Loves Of My Life

Jonathan Bossé

Lexington Cordelia



A day came when I realized something that was difficult to reconcile with and I knew I had to ponder on it if Paige~Turner Portraiture would continue to bloom.

Suddenly, I understood that bringing Jonathan to a portrait session greatly improved the client experience and cultivated fine art. Why? Simply put, he is an extrovert that loves people and I am an introvert that loves encapsulating memories for people. This is the way the Lord created us and this is one reason the Lord brought us together, to compliment one another.

So now, whenever you hire me to photograph your story, you will find yourself attaining a valuable bonus; an entertainer, a second set of eyes, and someone to warmly interact with when I am in my deepest deposits of creativity.

Life as of Late:

I. Our Fairytale began, June 2023

After four years of waiting we finally had our fairytale wedding. Our ‘happily ever’ honeymoon unraveled different than we supposed and rather we began our very own “Book of Job” era; a series of unfortunate events and sickness. However, we regret none of for it is a part of our story and brought us closer to one another and to Christ.

II. Married Life

Soon after returning from the honeymoon, Jonathan, Lexi, and I began the trek from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to Green Bay, Wisconsin for Jonathan’s career; a move that took much prayer and consideration. We spent nearly the first year of our marriage off the shores of Lake Michigan. It was here that I learned much about homesteading as photography shriveled into a slow season.

Our time in Wisconsin was brief for the Lord hailed us to return to Idaho… this time to the south rather than the north.

III. Motherhood

In late November of 2023 Jonathan and I had the pleasure of finding out that the Lord blessed my womb with a baby to be born in August. I have been in euphoria as I've begun motherhood and I marvel at how the Lord will guide me to raise a child and create art for others.

My dream is to continue photography as I have with the addition of a sweet baby swaddled to my chest. And as Jonathan’s and my quiver continues to flourish, bring our growing children along for the adventure each with little cameras of their own.

While Jonathan is away at work and while I work to reach a client base in Twin Falls, I find myself living quite the slow and intentional life at home.

This has given me an experience like no other to develop a personal taste & style during the homemaking process.

I have a deep romance towards the old world, highlighting the Medieval, Renaissance, and Victorian eras… and of course anything that has to do with the virtuous fairytale.

Thus I continue to live…

Happily Ever After.

Paige of Paige-Turner Portraiture is a Twin Falls Idaho photographer covering couple, engagement, maternity, newborn, and family portrait sessions. Additionally, on a case by case basis, she will consider photographing intimate weddings and elopements in the areas of Twin Falls, Moscow, Coeur d’Alene Idaho and Spokane Washington.